Updated Futurama Hockey Jersey Design

Futurama hockey jersey by Dave Delisle

Another update, this one for an 18-month-old design that I posted when I first started this site. This time I tweaked the jersey layout to better reflect the Planet Express ship. A few new patches were also added, including some characters that are looking out of the ship’s windows.

No current plans to make this available, but I have been trying to track down the guys who have the apparel license for Planet Express, so hopefully one day I can offer this.

In the meantime let’s enjoy the last few episodes of Futurama. *sniff!*

Borderlands Hockey Jersey Design

Borderlands hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle


Attack On Titan Hockey Jersey Design


Great White North Hockey Jersey Design

Molson Great White North Hockey Jersey Design

Yeah it’s a Molson design pretty much, if you don’t like it you can take off, eh. I have no plans on releasing this design. I just don’t think there is a future for blue-and-red ‘Canadians’ hockey jerseys OR any jersey bearing a maple leaf for that matter.

Mad Max Hockey Jersey Design: The Road Warriors

Mad Max hockey jersey by davesgeekyhockeyI was commissioned by Chris B. from New York to make a design for the Mad Max franchise, and he was kind enough to let me share the designs here with you.  Read the rest of this entry

Invader Zim Hockey Jersey Design: The Invaders

Invader Zim Hockey Jersey Design by Dave Delisle

For the longest time Zim himself was the primary logo (the unused ones above), but it wasn’t working due in part to his detailed appearance and pencil-thin limbs. I replaced him with an Irken logo from the show and the rest of the design fell into place.

While Zim went unused (he could work on a white jersey maybe), I was able to keep Gir in there. I prefer the dog suit over his robot appearance.