Shadow of Mordor Hockey Jersey Design

Shadow of Mordor hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

S.H.I.E.L.D. Hockey Jersey Design

SHIELD hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

Tardis 4.0 Hockey Jersey Design

Tardis 4.0 hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

I went back to basics for this design. I just wanted blue, black, and white to carry the design for a clean look. I went with black numbers with white outlines to make it look like the wearer has windows on all sides. Read the rest of this entry

Royals Hockey Jerseys Are Done!

baratheon Sigil hockey jersey 2013 Dave Delisle Geeky Jerseys

Click To Enlarge

The Royals jerseys are done! The Boston Bruins-inspired jerseys made for House Baratheon fans will be shipping out next week for those who ordered. Miss out? You can sign up here to be notified the next time it becomes available.

Awesome work again by Geeky Jerseys. You can see why they’re becoming such a popular hockey team outfitter these days.

This will compliment the recent Direwolves jerseys nicely. If you’re interested the Lannister jersey is currently available (Update: was a May offer, now closed), and Targaryen will be offered in the next few months. A Night’s Watch 2.0 jersey is also on the docket. Stannis Baratheon and Greyjoy fans I hear you, please bear with me.

If it were feasible I’d offer all houses at once, but Geeky Jerseys are super-busy these days, plus I think it’s better to space them out to avoid wallet fatigue.

Cameron Frye’s Detroit Red Wings Jersey From Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Ferris Bueller Gordie Howe hockey jersey

This was commissioned by Mark C. for his DIY project: a replica of the Detroit Red Wings jersey seen in the film Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It was a fun and quick design project, and I’m allowed to share it here with you. The inset was an alternate I tried to run with, it didn’t work.

After the jump a lot of boring analysis of the Red Wings jersey seen in the film. Read the rest of this entry

Spaceballs The Hockey Jerseys Are Done!

Spaceballs The Hockey Jersey Geeky Jerseys davesgeekyhockey

Click To Enlarge

The Spaceballs design is finally done, and they’ll be shipping out this week for those who ordered. Miss out? Sign up here if you want to be notified for an encore run. The more people who sign up, the greater the odds it will be offered again.

Great job by Geeky Jerseys again! Can’t wait to get my LONESTAR jersey.

You’ll have to forgive the plainness of the design. I posted it on Facebook for a laugh, and it got an incredible reception, so I left it as-is. Plus I feel the generic design is appropriate to the joke; it really does look like a throwaway piece of merchandise that would belong in Yogurt’s subterranean store.