WWF Hockey Jersey

WWF hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

I believe most geeks have a soft spot for old-school WWF wrestling. Wrestlers were larger-than-life characters back in the 80’s and 90’s, and seemed to be just about everywhere. Cartoons, arcade video games, toys, you name it. I had the fortune of growing up in Calgary, so I was treated to Maple Leaf Wrestling (WWF) and Stampede Wrestling growing up, so I may be biased in my outlook.

This here is a simple WWF jersey, which looks pretty 80’s if I may say so. The powder blues were pretty popular back then for team sports (starting to make a comeback). Plus the striping is evocative of the 80’s era Flames and Bruins.

Here is a bonus for the internet: There are no decent high-res images of the old-school WWF logo online, so I made one the other night for a reader who is actually making one of these! It’s just vector art, and is a far cry from the original airbrushed logo, but it’s a good start for those in need:

WWF Logo High-Res Large World Wrestling Federation 80's 90's

Click To Enlarge

UPDATE: Here is a vector file, you can download it here.

About Dave Delisle

Designer, Blogger, and Hockey Fan! Go Flames Go!

Posted on September 20, 2012, in Geeky Jerseys, Hockey Jersey Design and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. That jersey is totally wicked & Sssiiiccckkk \m/^_^\m/ please tell me you’re going to make it available to buy? I would buy that jersey in the blink of an eye.

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