Better Call Saul Hockey Jersey Design

better call saul ambulance chasers hockey jersey 2017 dave delisle davesgeekyhockey

I’m not a fan of prequels but Better Call Saul has certainly won me over these past few years. My hope is the show eventually moves beyond the Breaking Bad timeline to present day, so Saul Goodman could redeem himself in some way.

Anyways, the jersey design is based on the show logo and Saul’s office/business card from Breaking Bad. The shoulder patch borrows the Lady Liberty logo from the New York Rangers 90’s third jersey. If any lawyers are offended by this design, I’ve done my job.

Fury Road Hockey Jersey Design

War Boys Hockey Jersey design by Dave Delisle

I’m not saying this will get made, but if it does the numbers would be metallic silver. So shiny. So chrome. Anyways, here’s a design that languished for a few years now, glad I can finally share it with you today.

Originally the back patch was a roundel design that said “I LIVE, I DIE, I LIVE AGAIN!”, but it probably wouldn’t work for embroidery so I nixed that. I don’t think the highway sign will make the cut for that same reason.

Bill And Ted Hockey Jersey Design

Bill and Ted jersey by Dave Delisle

About a year ago I had a request-a-thon on Facebook that led to Wyld Stallyns winning the popular vote. I apologize that it took so long to make, I didn’t find the right inspiration until I remembered the Detroit Pistons logo from the mid 90’s to early 2000’s.

The shoulder logos are a riff on the Doctor Who ‘DW’ phone booth logo. The back patch is a nod to Death, the Grim Reaper from the sequel. The colors are definitely mid-90’s, when teal was all the rage.

Starship Troopers Hockey Jersey Design

Starship Troopers Roughnecks Hockey Jersey design by Dave Delisle

Sorry for the long sabbatical, I will ease back into things with something simple: a jersey based on the Mobile Infantry flag from Starship Troopers. The ‘Victory’ patch is based on a flag seen in the cafeteria fight scene (with Mazzy Star playing in the background), the ‘Death From Above’ patch is based on the tattoos adorned by the Roughnecks.

I have posted stuff based on Starship Troopers before, but I deleted them all because they look so weird to me now. I have a tendency to quietly tinker with older stuff, but this was such a departure it merited a new post.

Also, this film turns 20 this year, so let that sink in (you’re welcome).

Boomsticks 2.0 Hockey Jersey Design

Boomsticks 2 hockey jersey by Dave Delisle

One of my biggest regrets is using a lot of Vancouver Canucks imagery for the Boomsticks 1.0 design. I am still emotionally scarred from doing that, being a diehard Calgary Flames fan and all. After watching Army of Darkness again recently, I was inspired to do a 2.0 design based on Ash’s S-Mart getup at the end of the film. I can now put this trauma behind me. Read the rest of this entry

Busters Baseball Jersey Design

Busters baseball jersey by Dave Delisle

Happy Halloween! I’m freezing as I type this but I’m in a baseball mood. Could it be the storied Cubs-Indians World Series?