Greatest American Hero Hockey Jersey Design

GAH Greatest American Hero hockey jersey design by dave delisle davesgeekyhockey

X-Men Hockey Jersey Designs

X-Men hockey jersey designs by Dave Delisle davesgeekyhockey

Two designs for your eyeballs today, so I hope you can forgive the lack of shoulder patches on both (at least for now). I present hockey jersey designs for the X-Men and the Sentinels.

For the Mutants I wanted a subtle ‘X’ in the main logo, hence the crossed claws of Wolverine. For the Sentinels I gave a shout-out to the 90’s cartoon intro, where mutant-grabbing cables extruded from the hands.

X-Men hockey jersey designs by Dave Delisle davesgeekyhockey

I doubt either of these could be offered, but I’ve been wrong before. Read the rest of this entry

Arrested Development Hockey Jersey Design

Arrested Development hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

UPDATE (Nov 1st 2016): went with a ‘less-is-more’ approach for this design. The old logo had the stair car itself, which, let’s face it, was too busy/ugly to look at.

Office Space Hockey Jersey Design


This is a long overdue design, I just couldn’t arrive at an idea until very recently. A few folks requested an Initech-themed design, but the company logo and colors bored me to tears (probably the design’s intention). So I decided to make Milton’s red Swingline stapler the core theme. Hope you like it.

Princess Bride Hockey Jersey Design

Dread Pirates hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyhockey

About 3 years ago I posted a Dread Pirates design, which I since deleted because I felt it was too plain and simple. Thought I’d give it another go, this time with an injection of color and new patch logos for both the ship and the mantra belonging to these Pirates.

Donkey Kong Hockey Jersey Design

Donkey Kong hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle davesgeekyhockey

Thought I’d do a design that is a homage to the original Donkey Kong arcade cabinet from 1981 (35 years ago!). All of the logos are updated versions of art found on the cabinet. Donkey Kong himself is a mix of the current Kong with the 1981 original and the 1982 Donkey Kong Jr. version (the teeth mostly). There’s a “DK” on the front neck too, to match his necktie.

Ideally I’d go overboard with stripes and colors to match the arcade cabinet, but I like to keep Geeky Jerseys’ production methods in mind when creating designs. That means a more conventional approach towards layout and trying to limit the number of colors.