Samurai Jack Baseball Jersey Design

samurai jack baseball jersey by dave delisle

Samurai Jack has been off the air for 10 years, and it feels like a tie-in movie has been in development for twice that, but I digress. I’m a big fan of the show, so I’m happy to finally post some sort of tribute here.

I wasn’t able to use Jack for a hockey jersey, however his outfit is a better fit for a baseball jersey. His eyes reflecting off the sword will look cornball to non-fans of the show, but his eyes being framed like that is one of the show’s big calling cards.

No plans to offer this one, mostly because Samurai Jack is not as popular as I would like (a lot of folks still haven’t heard of it).

Official Voltron 2.0 Hockey Jersey Design

Voltron hockey jersey by Dave Delisle

The second officially-licensed Voltron hockey jersey features a new front shield, gold numbers, and thinner stripes. A lace-up collar has also been added. I really dug the gold color of the cross and crown of the Masterpiece Voltron toy, so I added it everywhere possible.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Baseball Jersey Design

gotg baseball jersey design by dave delisle

Another baseball design, this time for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. This is a mix of the film’s title logo (which they’ve apparently dropped in favor of this one), with the uniforms worn by the team in the comic books. Read the rest of this entry

Hitchhiker’s Guide Hockey Jersey Design

Hitchhikers Guide hockey jersey design by Dave Delisle

I’m happy to finally post a frequently-requested Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy design. Not sure why it took so long, but once I settled on a Winnipeg Jets-like approach it all came together quickly.


Browncoats 4.0 Hockey Jersey Design

Browncoats hockey jersey by Dave Delisle

Trying something new here for the Browncoats! I’ve opted to use the brown from their actual uniforms, and I enlisted the logo with black trim, which resulted in adding black to the color scheme too. The goal was to make a hockey jersey that a military unit would wear.

For comparison here is the 3.0 version. Let me know what you think of the 4.0, as a Browncoats offer in the near future is likely.

Monty Python Hockey Jersey Design


It’s been a month since I posted a hockey design! Sorry about that (I am Canadian, get used to many apologies). Anyways I hope you like this design for Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I chose the Black “flesh wound” Knight because everyone prefers dark-colored jerseys.